Overall, the acoustic set just seems like a warm up to the actual show, as its only five songs long, until we get to the next set with the John Mayer Trio.
While “Neon” is a definite highlight, “Daughters” makes use of some delicate slide guitar lines, and “Free Fallin’”, a Tom Petty cover, fair just as well. Some staccato Jazz lines are improvised by John, and then the song takes off, along with the set. The acoustic set is up first, with “Neon” beginning the show. It’s a sprawling album, consisting of 22 cuts (with several covers, and two previously unreleased songs mixed in). Taking place in Los Angeles, California, on December 8th, 2007, this concert shows the progression of John Mayer’s music. Indeed, if there was ever a live album made to showcase all of an artist’ talents into one show, then “Where the Light Is” would fit the bill perfectly. From then on, with a whole new level of respect from people who once denied John Mayer, he would shift styles over the next several years until Mayer took the next logical step, and released a live album that combined both his love of the Blues, and his blue eyed Acoustic Pop. The idea seemed laughable, that an Acoustic Pop artist could pick up a Fender Stratocaster, and evoke B.B. We saw him gain national success with this style, and while, at times he dazzled us with his jazzy blues, acoustic playing (See: ”Neon”), many of us simply stood blank faced, and asked, “What’s the big deal?” But then, a funny event occurred, that prompted much of the music community to turn a complete 180, on their views on John Mayer: he released a Blues album.
We’ve seen him start out as a humble Acoustic Pop guitarist, who engaged in the same lyrical themes that any other blue eyed, suburban kid may write about. Fans, get this, others, don't bother.īy now, you all know who John Mayer is. Review Summary: A nice assortment of styles all found in Mayer's career.